Awakening joy through loving connections with animals

When our love for animals is unparalleled, the frustration of not knowing what they are thinking or feeling can be heart aching.  Debbie Carole shares this passion and as an animal communicator bridges this human-pet connection with dignity and honor.

why Animal communication?

If only we knew what they were thinking...

How does it work?

Via live tele-sessions, I facilitate communication between the pet lover and their animal(s). These connections help clients - often concerned, sad and confused about their pet’s behavior, health and happiness - find clarity and gain understanding, so that they can feel more confident and joyful with their animal connection.

Who does it benefit?

Through my experience as an animal communicator, I have found that loving, caring pet guardians have made significant improvements in their pet’s well-being (and often their own peace of mind) by gaining clarity about their beloved’s innermost thoughts and feelings and then taking action based on discoveries made during the facilitated animal communication.

What is your pet's story?

Are you ready to discover what your pet is really thinking and feeling? Explore our service options now.


Let's communicate!

As an Animal Communicator, I help people connect with their beloved animals, living or transitioned, and to clarify misunderstandings, facilitate forgiveness and help create happy, healthy environments for pets and their people.

Common areas of concern that we can address:

  • Food preferences
  • Health issues
  • Behavior patterns
  • Happiness
  • Enhanced relationships

My first contact with Debbie was when she helped me with a Neighborhood situation. Despite the fact that I knew very few details about the circumstances or the FourLeggeds involved, Debbie quickly gained insight into the Den dynamic. The information brought forth (which later proved correct) was of great value and enabled me to proceed with confidence.

It is a pleasure to experience straightforward, seemingly effortless Communication, and that is what Debbie consistently delivers. She is gifted, she is intelligent, she is integrous, attentive, engaging, non-judgmental, astute, and and and…! If you truly want to know what’s going on with your animals, you’ll want Debbie to talk with them.

AlphaMom, Arizona